Red Bull Dreamline

August 9th - 10th, 2013

Angel Fire Resort - New Mexico

This project was built on finding the perfect balance between business drivers and credibility within the sport.  With a project like Red Bull Dreamline, the perfect terrain determines the location.  Angel Fire, NM proved to be the perfect home for the massive BMX dirt jumps needed for such a project but simultaneously presented challenges in executing a large consumer event in such a remote region and driving business success back in the metro area. 

Through an integrated marketing program which highly leveraged the capabilities of the distributor, plus a well thought out endemic marketing plan in the surrounding states, Red Bull Dreamline was a sold out event.  Sales grew vs. PY in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area and the project was a media success with local news features, social virality, international endemic media coverage and an NBC broadcast on the “Red Bull Signature Series”.

The onsite build and execution also shined as it was unique to the mountain culture as the branding features and event structures were all built from downed trees on the mountain.  All branding and signage was also carved from the downed pine trees, with even the trophies following suit.  This, combined with the mind-boggling massive trail course, made for a one-of-a-kind venue which produced visuals the sport had never seen before.

Project & On-Site Lead - Venue Scouting & Contracting - Brand Marketing & Integration - Athlete Management - Marketing & Awareness Campaign - Event Content Capture - Vendor Identification & Contracting - CRISIS Communications

Taos News - Fat BMX - BMX Union - ABQ Journal - Daily Motion - Angel Fire News - Mandatory


Red Bull Soapbox Race


Red Bull Dance Your Style National Final